Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education <p><span style="color: #000000;"><span lang="en-US"><em>Educational Dimension</em></span></span> (= Osvìtnìj vimìr, Освітній вимір) is a Diamond Open Access peer-reviewed journal focused on the research on education, learning and training, and applications of theories and philosophies used in the sciences of learning and adjacent sciences. The <span style="color: #000000;"><span lang="en-US"><em>Educational Dimension</em></span></span> occupies contributions in all aspects of learning theories, learning technologies and tools, paradigms and models. The main problematic field of the journal is the current and future issues of modern pedagogical science: psychological and pedagogical, philosophical, socio-cultural aspects of education, learning and training, modern theories, technologies and teaching aids, the emergence of which is determined by globalization, integration processes, social transformations, humanitarian and scientific and technological development. There is urgent general need for principled changes in postclassic education elicited by current theories, models, tools, services, networks and communications.</p> <p><span style="color: #000000;"><span lang="en-US"><em>Educational Dimension</em></span></span> welcomes research papers, systematic reviews and meta-analyses that include clear research questions, a framework of analysis, and conclusions that reflect the aims of the paper.</p> <p><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en" tabindex="-1">Since February 2023, the new <span style="color: #000000;"><span lang="en-US"><em>Educational Dimension</em></span></span> website is <a href=""></a>. This website contains the journal archive for "Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education" (= Pedagogìka viŝoï ta serednʹoï školi, ISSN 2304-4470).<br /></span></p> Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University en-US Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education 2708-4604 Digital transformation of learning environment: aspect of cognitive activity of students <p>Peculiar features of digital environment include: integration of ICTs; use of local and global networks and resources; support and development of qualitatively new technologies of information processing; active use of modern means, methods and forms of teaching in the educational process. The organization of activities in terms of digital learning environment provides appropriate changes in the interaction between subjects of the educational process.</p> <p>Today, means and technologies of the information and communication networks (ICNs), in particular the Internet, which custom and operational-procedural properties were changed at the initial stage from closed local to open ones at present, become widespread. The development of ICNs (from closed local to open ones) changes the typology of learning environments. The following models of learning environments, which widely use ICT and ICN tools (with basic features that characterize them) are distinguished: using the local communication network for presentation of educational information; using the local communication network and open network resources; using open network resources; for independent use of open network resources directly in the classroom by a student; for use of open network resources by a student in the process of independent learning activity; for use by a student educational resources, specially created by a teacher, as well as resources of an open networks in his independent learning activity.</p> Ольга Пінчук Олександра Соколюк Олександр Буров Марія Шишкіна Copyright (c) 2019 Ольга Пінчук, Олександра Соколюк, Олександр Буров, Марія Шишкіна 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 22 38 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3774 The formation of a successful personality of a pupil in Ukrainian primary school during media education implementation <p>The article substantiates the relevance of implementing the technology of formation of a successful personality of a primary school age pupil during media education implementation at primary school. A technology model is developed. The necessity of solving problems of success simultaneously with increasing the level of media culture of a pupil, the formation of key competencies for life, preparation of a child for the life’s self-realization on the basis of the partnership implementation of schoolchildren, parents and teachers is proved. The need of the embodiment of the pedagogy of heart and the pedagogy of success is shown. The diagnostic toolkit for determining the levels of formation of the successful personality of primary school pupils is specified. The effective forms and methods of the schoolchildren education are substantiated: the creation of electronic books, projects “Rules of Success Achievement”, “Stories of Success”, watching movies about successful people with special needs, analysis of media products on the topic of success. The ways of educating parents about the problems of children’s success are determined. The results of experimental research are analyzed. The necessity of improving the content of textbooks in the ontext of achieving success, increasing interest to children’s periodicals is revealed. The formation of a successful pupil is considered as one of the ways to strengthen the Ukrainian state. The necessity of raising the authority of the teaching profession is proved.</p> Григорій Терещук Ірина Кузьма Олександра Янкович Галина Фальфушинська Copyright (c) 2019 Григорій Терещук, Ірина Кузьма, Олександра Янкович, Галина Фальфушинська 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 39 55 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3775 The state of the art and perspectives of using adaptive cloud-based learning systems in higher education pedagogical institutions (the scope of Ukraine) <p>The article deals with the problems of using adaptive cloud-based learning systems (ACLS) in the modern high-tech educational environment and expanding access to them as tools of educational and research activity at higher education pedagogical institutions in Ukraine. The conceptual apparatus of cloud-based adaptive learning systems application and design is considered; their main characteristics are revealed; the ways of their pedagogical application are described. The experience of Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine on designing and applying of the cloud-based learning and research environment is outlined. The results of the survey of 31 higher education pedagogical institutions on using ACLS are presented. It is established that in the near future ACLS will become the driving force behind the development of new pedagogy, new strategies for personalizing education, and expanding opportunities for active learning.</p> Юлія Носенко Майя Попель Марія Шишкіна Copyright (c) 2019 Юлія Носенко, Майя Попель, Марія Шишкіна 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 56 69 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3776 Systematicity of students' independent work in the cloud learning environment <p>The paper deals with the problem of out-of-class students’ independent work in information and communication learning environment based on cloud technologies. Results of appropriate survey among students<br>of pedagogical university are discussed. The students answered the questions about systematicity of their learning activity and propositions for its improving. It is determined that the leading problems are needs in more careful instruction according to features of the task completing, insufficient experience in self-management, the lack of internal motivation. Most of all, students recommend to provide the tasks with detail instruction (oral or written) and to pay attention to careful planning the time that is necessary for full completion of the task. It is pointed that such complicated requirements can be satisfied only by complex use of information and communication technologies as well as the automated system of pedagogical diagnostics. Some requirements for management of students’ out-of-classroom independent work are formulated as a result of this discussion.</p> Олександр Колгатін Лариса Колгатіна Надія Пономарьова Катерина Шмельцер Copyright (c) 2019 Олександр Колгатін, Лариса Колгатіна, Надія Пономарьова, Катерина Шмельцер 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 70 88 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3777 TODOS as digital science-support environment to provide STEM-education <p>The amount of scientific information has been growing exponentially. It became more complicated to process and systemize this amount of unstructured data. The approach to systematization of<br>scientific information based on the ontological IT platform Transdisciplinary Ontological Dialogs of Object-Oriented Systems (TODOS) has many benefits. It has been proposed to select semantic characteristics of each work for their further introduction into the IT platform TODOS. An ontological graph with a ranking function for previous scientific research and for a system of selection of journals has been worked out. These systems provide high performance of information management of scientific information.</p> Євгеній Шаповалов Віктор Шаповалов Володимир Засельський Copyright (c) 2019 Євгеній Шаповалов, Віктор Шаповалов, Володимир Засельський 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 89 104 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3778 Use of Web 2.0 technology tool — educational blog — in the system of foreign language teachin <p>This paper discusses the use of a Web 2.0 technology tool - educational blog - in the system of teaching foreign languages for enhancement of teaching effectiveness and optimization of students’ performance. The authors describe the content, characteristics and didactic properties of an educational blog as an alternative or auxiliary educational environment, define its methodological objectives and list a number of advantages of this approach versus conventional teaching model. The effectiveness of the above-mentioned Web 2.0 technology tool was confirmed by the experiment which showed that an educational blog integrated in a foreign language teaching system contributed to optimization of the process of teaching and learning, development of foreign language communicative competence of students and thereby allowed them to acquire not only communicative but also technological skills.</p> Альона Приходько Оксана Резван Наталія Волкова Станіслав Толмачов Copyright (c) 2019 Альона Приходько, Оксана Резван, Наталія Волкова, Станіслав Толмачов 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 105 117 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3779 Information and technology case as an indicator of information competence level of the translator <p>The article deals with the innovative approach to the organization of the information training of translators. The proposed approach will ensure not only the formation of information competence of future translators, but also the formation of an individual information and technology case of the translator. The components of an individual information and technology case are determined. They may include electronic terminology databases, translation memory databases for use in automated translation systems, databases of electronic links to terminological resources network, databases of electronic links to corpora of parallel texts. The using information and technology case of the translator as one of the diagnostic tools for evaluating the information competence level of the translator is proposed. It was found that the creating information and technology case is effective in developing information literacy and improving information technology skills.</p> Світлана Амеліна Ростислав Тарасенко Альберт Азарян Copyright (c) 2019 Світлана Амеліна, Ростислав Тарасенко, Альберт Азарян 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 118 134 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3780 Modern techniques of organizing computer support for future teachers’ independent work in German language <p><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="uk"><span class="" title="">Мета дослідження - з'ясувати теоретико-методологічні аспекти організації комп'ютерної підтримки самостійної роботи іноземною (німецькою) мовою для майбутніх викладачів різних предметів.</span></span></p> <p><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="uk"><span class="" title="">Предметом дослідження є методичний прийом організації ефективної комп’ютерної підтримки майбутніх учителів для самостійної роботи іноземною (німецькою) мовою.</span></span> <span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="uk"><span class="" title="">Цілі дослідження: викласти цілі вивчення іноземних мов у його широкому та вузькому розумінні, вимоги до результатів підготовки майбутніх учителів з різних предметів; дослідити способи організації комп’ютерної підтримки самостійної роботи майбутніх вчителів; надати методичні рекомендації щодо організації самостійної роботи майбутніх учителів за змістом окремого навчального модуля курсу Moodle «Іноземна (німецька) мова».</span></span></p> <p><span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="uk"><span class="" title="">У статті узагальнено досвід організації комп’ютерної підтримки самостійної роботи майбутніх вчителів та змістові й методологічні особливості її впровадження у процес експериментального внесення курсу Moodle «Іноземна (німецька) мова» у навчальний процес, що здійснюється на базі Криворізького державного педагогічного університету.</span></span></p> Вікторія Устінова Світлана Шокалюк Ірина Мінтій Андрій Пікільняк Copyright (c) 2019 Вікторія Устінова, Світлана Шокалюк, Ірина Мінтій, Андрій Пікільняк 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 135 152 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3781 The overview of software for computer simulations in profile physics learning <p>The paper deals with the possibilities of using specialized (virtual labs and simulators, software for natural process simulation) and general (programming languages and libraries, spreadsheets, CAS) software in school researches.</p> <p>Such software as virtual labs, software for natural process simulation, programming languages and libraries in school researches can be used to simulate phenomena that cannot be learned in a school lab (for example, for modeling a radioactive decay or for demonstrating the states of relativistic mechanics). Also, virtual labs in school practice are usually used in those cases where students cannot perform an experiment in real labs. For example, it is convenient for distance learning.</p> <p>The using of programming languages and libraries in physics learning research requires both students’ physics research competencies and programming competencies. That is why using this software in physics classes can hardly be recommended. However, programming languages and libraries can become a powerful tool for the formation and development of research competencies of physics students in extracurricular learning activities.</p> <p>The implementation of the spreadheets and the CAS in school physics researches is the easiest and has its benefits.</p> Арнольд Ків Олександр Мерзликін Євгеній Модло Павло Нечипуренко Ірина Тополова Copyright (c) 2019 Арнольд Ків, Олександр Мерзликін, Євгеній Модло, Павло Нечипуренко, Ірина Тополова 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 153 165 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3782 The use of cloud technologies when studying geography by higher school students <p>The article is devoted to the topical issue of the cloud technologies implementation in educational process in general and when studying geography, in particular. The authors offer a selection of online services which can contribute to the effective acquisition of geographical knowledge in higher school. The publication describes such cloud technologies as Gapminder, DESA,, Time.Graphics, HP Reveal, MOZAIK education, Settera Online, Click-that-hood, Canva, Paint Instant. It is also made some theoretical generalization of their economic, technical, technological, didactic advantages and disadvantages. Visual examples of application are provided in the article. The authors make notice that in the long run the technologies under study should become a valuable educational tool of creation virtual information and education environments connected into common national, and then global, educational space.</p> Ольга Бондаренко Олена Пахомова Володимир Засельський Copyright (c) 2019 Ольга Бондаренко, Олена Пахомова, Володимир Засельський 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 166 183 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3800 Cloud ArcGIS Online as an innovative tool for developing geoinformation competence with future geography teachers <p>The article dwells upon the scientifically relevant problem of using cloud-based GIS-technologies when training future geography teachers (based on ArcGIS Online application). The authors outline the basic principles for implementing ArcGIS Online in the educational process (interdisciplinary integration, the sequence of individualization in training, communicability, distance education and regional studies), and provide an example of an interactive map created with the help of the specified cloud GIS, since this kind of map is the most popular a form of research by geography students. In the article it is noted that integration of ArcGIS Online into the educational process allows the teacher to follow a clear pedagogical strategy, taking into account possible variants of its use (demonstration, direct mastering of GIS in<br>a computer class and independent work in an individual mode). Considering cloud GIS as a new stage in the development of geoinformational education, the authors emphasize their key benefits (round-the-clock access, work with GIS package in the cloud, the ability to use other maps as well as the creation of their own maps and web-applications) and disadvantages (monetization of services, underestimation of the GIS role in the curriculum of the higher school,<br>the lack of Ukrainian content, etc.).</p> Ігор Холошин Ольга Бондаренко Олена Ганчук Катерина Шмельцер Copyright (c) 2019 Ігор Холошин, Ольга Бондаренко, Олена Ганчук, Катерина Шмельцер 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 184 196 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3801 Distance learning courses in developing future music teachers’ instrumental performance competence <p>The scientific and methodological background of creation and development of the distance learning courses for the future music teachers is substantiated. The components and structure of future music teachers’<br>instrumental performance competence are defined; the content of the course is revealed. The materials are based on the authors’ teaching experience within the distance learning course “Basic Musical Instrument (Piano)”. The main blocks of the distance course design and development are considered among them to be theoretical, practical, individual work, and control blocks. The specificity of distance learning methods in the future music teachers’ instrumental and performance training is substantiated and three main methods are distinguished. The method of involving information and communication technologies, including multimedia; project method, and features of knowledge and skills controlling are elaborated. The results of implementation and experimental research of using distance learning courses for developing future music teachers’ instrumental performance competence are described. The influence of different methods use on students’ success is explored.</p> Людмила Гаврилова Олена Ішутіна Валентина Замороцька Дар’я Кассім Copyright (c) 2019 Людмила Гаврилова, Олена Ішутіна, Валентина Замороцька, Дар’я Кассім 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 197 214 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3803 E-learning resources for successful math teaching to pupils of primary school <p>Ukrainian primary schools are undergoing significant changes as for Reform ‘New Ukrainian School’, it reflects rapid updating information technology and high level of children’ informational activity. Primary schools are basically focused on development subject knowledge and general study skills. One of the ways of their developing is to use tools and apps. There are the examples of using interactive tools and apps for teaching Math for young learners by teachers-to-be in the article. The article presents as well the experimental data about training teachers-to-be to use tools and apps. Interactive tools and apps provide real task variability, uniqueness of exercises, operative assessment of correction, adjustment of task difficulty, a shade of competitiveness and gaming to the exercises. To create their own apps teachers-to-be use the tools that are the part of the integrated Microsoft Office package using designing environments, and other simple and convenient programs. The article presents experimental data about the results of training<br>teachers-to-be to create apps. A set of criteria for creation apps was made and checked at the experimental research such as ability to develop apps, knowledge and understanding the functional capabilities of apps, knowledge of tools for creating apps and their functional capabilities, ability to select and formulate tasks for young learners, ability to assess adequately the quality of the developed apps.</p> Надія Олефіренко Ілона Костікова Наталія Пономарьова Андрій Пікільняк Copyright (c) 2019 Надія Олефіренко, Ілона Костікова, Наталія Пономарьова, Андрій Пікільняк 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 215 234 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3804 Practical use of cloud services for organization of future specialists professional training <p>The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the practical use of cloud services for the organization of qualitative professional training of future specialists. It is established that in order to implement state policy, there is an essential need for using various ICT, in particular cloud services, which are not only economically acceptable in the new educational environment, but also a powerful tools of obtaining new knowledge, skills and abilities.</p> <p>The advantages and disadvantages of using cloud services in the educational process of higher education are substantiated; the examples discuss the methods of using cloud services in the process of studying fundamental disciplines. The object of the study is the professional training of students in higher education institutions. The subject of research is the process of organizing professional training of future specialists with the use of cloud services.</p> <p>To achieve the set goals, a set of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and specific scientific (bibliographic, problem-based) was used. Observation and conversation manipulation allowed to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud services and draw conclusions from the problem under investigation.</p> <p>The foreign experience of using cloud services has been researched and the features of the application of traditional and distance technology training abroad have been determined. It describes the use of the blog as a media-educational technology during the advent of pedagogical practice. The methods of using cloud-based services on the example of creation of a distance course “Linear algebra and analytic<br>geometry” are considered.</p> <p>The prospects of research, which consist in getting acquainted with cloud technologies of the humanitarian profile future specialists at the second higher education, are determined. It has been established that the practical application of cloud technologies in the educational process will promote</p> Марина Волікова Тетяна Армаш Юлія Єчкало Володимир Засельский Copyright (c) 2019 Марина Волікова, Тетяна Армаш, Юлія Єчкало, Володимир Засельский 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 235 252 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3805 Informatization of education as a pledge of the existence and development of a modern higher education <p>This article focuses on the special significance of education informatization as the main aspect of the existence and development of a modern higher education. The process of computerization of education is considered as the main basis of informatization in the historical aspect. This paper emphasizes the importance of implementing information and communication technologies (ICT) in the learning process of free software and the interest of scientists in the field of education. The interest of modern scholars is analyzed in the consideration of such problems as the application of ICT in education; problems of informatization of education and goals of informatization of education; didactic and psychological aspects of application of ICT in the educational process; problems associated with the widespread introduction of ICT in higher education institutions and informatization of education in general. The article’s focus is on the importance of the acquired skills and abilities as a result of informatization of education and implementation of the educational process of ICT. The goals of informatization of education at a modern higher educational establishment are determined. The primary goals of informatization of education are singled out. The types of<br>education that are directly related to ICT are considered. It is acknowledged that the practice of implementing ICT in the educational process of higher educational institutions are expanding every day and yields only positive results. The conclusions highlight the relevance of this study. It is noted that educational activity based on the use of ICT is a basis for changing the&nbsp; structure of the educational process for both teachers and students.</p> Олена Федоренко Владислав Величко Андрій Стьопкін Альона Чорна Володимир Соловйов Copyright (c) 2019 Олена Федоренко, Владислав Величко, Андрій Стьопкін, Альона Чорна, Володимир Соловйов 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 5 21 10.31812/pedag.v52i0.3773 Title page Copyright (c) 2019 2020-02-27 2020-02-27 52 1 1 Summary Copyright (c) 2019 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 2 2 Contents Copyright (c) 2019 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 3 4 Output data Copyright (c) 2019 2019-12-19 2019-12-19 52 254 254