Historic conditions of the development of instrumental performance to professional training of future music art teachers
folk musical instruments, music-pedagogical education, instrumental-performing activity, professional training, percussion music instruments, stringed music instruments, windmusic instruments, teacher of Music art.Abstract
The article is devoted to the main questions of folk-instrumental performance such as a pedagogical problem in the historic context of professional training of Music art teacher. The text reveals the global historic stages of the development of music-instrumental performance in the conditions of Ukrainian state.In the context of the article the main groups of musical instruments in historic aspect of their origin, such as: percussion instruments, wind- instruments and stringed instruments have been considered. The aim of this article is to research and determine common ways which are related to the problem of professional training of future Music art teachers to instrumental-performing activity, according to the conditions of historic formation of musical folkinstrumental performance. The subject-matter of the paper is to present the importance and necessity of mastering certain theoretical base of knowledge relating to the history of the origin of folk-instruments and problem of performance on these music instruments also. The article starts with a short discussion of global questions, which relate to the problem of professional training of future Music ar teachers to instrumental-performing activity in the conditions of modern society. The author of this paper uses the following methods of studying, which are needed for the effectiveness of pedagogical process: comparison, generalization, classification, analysis, illustration and others. In his text the author references to the research works of well-known researchers who studied this problem of the historic development of folk-instrumental performance. It must emphasized that problem of the development of Ukrainian folkinstrumental performance was connected with common historic events of Ukrainian government system. The author shows an analogy of the development between instrumental-performing activity in the conditions of professional training of concert instrumental performers in the system of special musical education and professional training of future Music art teacher in the system of music-pedagogic education also. The final paragraph describes the basic dates of the formation of musicpedagogic faculties in the system of Ukrainian state pedagogical institutions. The conclusion of this article emphasizes to necessity of studying of folkinstrumental performance.
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