The Image of Socrates in Johann August Eberhard’s Philosophy




Presocratics, history of philosophy, Socrates, theology, Apokatastasis panton


The study demonstrates how German philosopher, theologian and classicist Johann August Eberhard portrayed Socrates as a religious and moral philosopher to prove the doctrine of Apokatastasis panton. Such an image of Socrates allowed Eberhard to consider Socrates’ philosophy a criterion for a division of Ancient Greek philosophy into Pre-Socratic and Socratic stages.



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Author Biography

Kostyantyn Raikhert, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University

кандидат фiлософських наук, доцент кафедри фiлософiї i методологiї пiзнання Одеського нацiонального унiверситету iм. I.I. Мечникова


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How to Cite

Raikhert, K. (2017). The Image of Socrates in Johann August Eberhard’s Philosophy. Actual Problems of Mind, (18), 21–30.

