Критерії формування художньо-професійних знань та умінь у студентів на заняттях з елементів дпм засобами новітніх методів і технологій


  • Микола Миколайович Крижановський Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
  • Фурман Олександр Іванович Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University




method, technologies, didactics model, artistically professionally preparation, components, criteria, factors, formation


In the article the criteria of forming the students’ art-and-professional knowledge and skills on the class of arts and crafts elements by the modern methods and technologies are examined. The purpose of article is theoretical justification of didactic model and pedagogical technology which provide efficiency of formation the art-andprofessional knowledge and skills to the students of technology and pedagogical specialties on occupations with elements of arts and crafts and identification of
components, a specific technique which promote development of art and professional factors of students activity.
The conceptual, scientific and methodical approaches to a solution of the problem of formation thestudents’art professional knowledge and skills are opened. It is defined this process is complete, specially organized and evidencebased. It displays a humanistic orientation of system pedagogical education on personally focused training and education of future specialists.
Social and economic conditions of this process demand creation of the corresponding psychology-and-pedagogical and scientific-and-methodical ensuring for formation to students the scientific outlook, the feeling of a public duty, the personal positive relation to process of the work and its results, and also activization of their cognitive activity. The pedagogical conditions of effective formation students’ art professional knowledge and skills are defined. Treat them: continuous interaction of subjects of teaching and educational process in the «student – the teacher of practical training» system; accounting of specifics organization the educational-andpractical teachers’ technologies and drawing training process; introduction a  technique of formation the students’ art professional knowledge and skills on the class of arts and crafts elements, that it developed on the basis of the modern technologies.  The criteria of efficiency of the developed didactic model and technology are: orientation to professional development of the teacher identity; ensuring unity of theoretical and practical training and art and professional education; formation of requirement to self-knowledge, understanding by the student of the  personal importance of processes of self-education, professional  elfimprovement.


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Author Biographies

Микола Миколайович Крижановський, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Senior Lecturer 

Фурман Олександр Іванович, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Senior Lecturer



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How to Cite

Крижановський, М. М., & Іванович, Ф. О. (2017). Критерії формування художньо-професійних знань та умінь у студентів на заняттях з елементів дпм засобами новітніх методів і технологій. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 50, 48–56. https://doi.org/10.31812/pedag.v50i0.1284




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