Names to describe colors in the Indo-European language


  • Артур Євгенович Іншаков Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



token, white, black, red, yellow, colored sign Indo-European dialects, nomina names of metals


Proto-Slavic language inherited from Indo-European basic color term. T. Gamkrelidze and V. Ivanov in the book «Language and Yndoevropeyskyy yndoevropeytsы: Upgrade and historical and typological analysis prayazika and protokulturu» consider issues formal semantic reconstruction pramovnoyi vocabulary and picture reproduction respective cultural and historical realities of habitat tribes vehicles pramovnoyi system. The authors analyzed the names of metals in Indo-European language, conclude their close relationship with the names of «color signs». Metal called for its characteristic color. It is likely that the names of the colored signs emerged under the names of metals.

Researchers have suggested that the Indo-European language, there were major names to describe colors: white, black, red, yellow. Stages of origin nominae their composition is likely to confirm the theory B. Berlin and P. Kay. Features koloronominatsiyi is the connection name with the names of colors metals. Some nominae characterized by unclear differentiation of colors (black – blue and yellow – green).


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Author Biography

Артур Євгенович Іншаков, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри дошкільної освіти


Гамкрелидзе Т. В. Индоевропейский язык и индоевропейцы: Реконструкция и историко-типологический анализ праязыка и протокультуры: в 2-х т. / Т. В. Гамкрелидзе, В. В. Иванов. –Тбилиси :Изд-во Тбилиского ун-та, 1984. –Т.2. –С.709–714.

Історія української мови. Лексика і фразеологія / За ред. В. О. Винника. –К. : Наукова думка, 1983. –742 с.

Berlin B. Basic colour terms:their universality and evolution/ В.Berlin, P.Kay. –BerkleyandLos Angeles, California : University of California Press, 1969. –P.210.

Worf B. The Phonetic Value of Certain Characters in Maya Writing / B.Whorf. –Cambridge, 1933. –P. 91–96.



How to Cite

Іншаков, А. Є. (2016). Names to describe colors in the Indo-European language. Philological Studies: The Scientific Publication of Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 15, 36–42.



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