Nouns with suffixes -ęt-/-ат-/-ят- in the ukrainian language (animate names)
suffix, formant, neuter noun, animate names, nomina personaliaAbstract
Throughout all periods of the Ukrainian language, there have been many substantives, the formal structure of which includes suffix -ęt-. In Slavonic period, formant -ęt- was rather productive and served primarily as a suffix that created the denominations of young offspring. Diminutive, hypocoristic meaning is closely associated with it. In old-Russian-Ukrainian language, suffix -′aт- (nominative -′а), rarely -ат- (nominative –а) was involved mainly in the creation of the denominations of young animals. Further, this formant served as a means of derivation of children’s denominations. In the following periods of the Ukrainian language development the range of nouns with -ат-/-ят-, in addition to preserving old derivatives, grew as a result of individual author derivation.
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