Copper in arable and meadow soils of Gomel region
soils, copper, concentration, sufficiencyAbstract
The results of studying copper concentrations in arable and meadow soils in different areas of Gomel region are analyzed in the article. This research was carried out with an interval of four years. The fluctuations of weighted average values of copper in arable and meadow soils were in the range of 1.44–2.16 and 1.55–2.20mg/kg in 2013, and, respectively, 1.42–2.17 and 1.83–2.20mg/kg in 2017. The areas with increased concentrations of copper in soils are expanding over time. In 2013, specific concentrations of copper above 1.51mg/kg were found in 47.9% of examined arable soils and 54.2% of grassland soils. In 2017, the areas increased to 50.2 and 60.9%, respectively.
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[20] Yakushevskaya, I.V., & Martyinenko, A.G. (1972). Mikroelementyi v landshaftah kolochnoy lesostepi [Trace elements in landscapes of the colossal forest-steppe]. Pochvovedenie [Soviet Soil Science], 4, 92 (in
[21] Zborischuk, Yu.N., & Zyirin, N.G. (1978). Med i tsink v pahotnom sloe pochv Evropeyskoy chasti SSSR [Copper and zinc in the soils arable layer at the European part of the USSR]. Pochvovedenie [Soviet Soil Science], 1, 38 (in Russian).