
  • Ya. V. Malenko Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



ecology, elite, competence, term, terminology, terminology system, basics of ecological terminology


Ukraine’s integration into the world educational space, along
with preserving the positive and effective achievements and traditions of
the national model of education, aims to create new opportunities for
forming their own life trajectory, the formulas for success of each individual
capable of self-education, self-awareness, self-determination, self-realization
and self-development. Nowadays, knowledge and education are becoming
not only factors of social development, but also its foundation and the
most valuable way, catalyst for the formation of modern national elite.
Phenomena and trends of current human development determine the relevance
of research aimed at substantiating and analyzing the prerequisites, relevance,
implementation of the discipline “Basics of Ecological Terminology” in the
training of ecologist based on the essence, meaning, terminological competence
as part of professionalism and ecological culture of national elite.
The national elite determines the intellectual, moral and ethical, political,
economic climate of society and is it’s most valuable capital and priority
resource. The decisive role in its preparation belongs to education, which is able
to form such personal qualities that contribute to the support of a sustainable
society and the fulfillment of its development with innovative elements.
An integral part of professional competence, professionalism is terminological
competence, which can also be considered as an independent or as a structural
component of information, communication, speech, culture. The study of its
essence, specifics, characteristics, levels of formation and analysis of related
concepts “terminology”, “terminology system”, “term” allow to identify current
problems of terminological competence in ecological science related to the
level of terminological potential of the individual, ecological culture, negative
aspects of modern process of term formation, problems of development of
ecological terminology system. Formation of terminological competence of the
ecologist — systematic, optimally organized, purposeful, provided with the use
of effective teaching aids and methods and concretized by its specific principles,
focused on achieving the main objectives and goals of education, improving
ecological culture and strengthening the professional elite, implementation
of innovative activities and implementation of ecological imperatives in the
development of the country.
A component of the implementation of tasks and solving problems of formation
of terminological competence of future highly qualified competitive ecologists
can be considered the introduction of the educational discipline “Basics
of Ecological Terminology” in educational programs of higher education
institutions, identification of aspects of term formation and term use, study
of the dynamics of terms and the role of the latter in professional knowledge,
scientific, expert, industrial, managerial, innovative activities of the ecologist.


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How to Cite

Malenko, Y. V. (2021). BASICS OF ECOLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY: PREREQUISITES, RELEVANCE, IMPLEMENTATION. Ecological Bulletin of Kryvorizhzhya, 6, 33–50.



Theoretical ecology