biodiversity, qurries, fauna, tetrapods, birdsAbstract
Non-working quarries can be considered as objects for biodiversity
restoration after their decommissioning. Zhovtokam’yansky quarry (Kryvyi
Rih district) is a good example of that fact. During three months (March to
June) of 2018 and all 2020–2021 years, there was investigated tetrapods fauna
in the non-working part of the quarry (there are mainly tree-shrub groups
are represented) and in the adjacent areas, which are represented by various
habitats (steppe, agrophytocenoses, water reservoirs). It was used classical
methods of route and absolute accounting of amphibians, reptiles, birds,
and small mammals. 73 terrestrial vertebrates species were identified (2 of
amphibians, 4 of reptiles, 63 of birds, 4 of mammals). The species composition
of vertebrates in the quarry itself and in the surrounding areas is quite similar.
It can be saying that the object is fully integrated into the environment. It
was established that the total number of settled and nomadic bird species is
approximately equal to the number of migratory species. Mainly omnivorous
and herbivorous avian species are characterized for winter and early spring
fauna. Insectivorous avian species are characterized mainly for summer fauna
due to the seasonal fluctuations of invertebrate fauna. By nesting, more than
half of the bird species are dendrophiles. Four species of tetrapods, that listed
in the Red Book of Ukraine, were found directly on the territory of the quarry
(European green lizard, Short-eared owl, Eurasian scops owl, European roller).
Some of the migratory birds (including Common crane, that listed in the
Red Book of Ukraine) may use the adjacent pond as a resting place during
migrations. Species composition of amphibians, reptiles and mammals, as well
as the dynamics of fluctuations of the number and species composition of birds,
require further study. Therefore, this facility is promising for the restoration
of biodiversity and the attraction of new species.
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