
  • A. V. Holovchak Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
  • Ya. V. Malenko Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University




conifers, landscaping, greenery, taxon, taxonomic composition


The area and quality condition of green spaces are recognized as
an international indicator of the compliance of the city’s infrastructure with
the principles of sustainable development. The multifunctionality of green
spaces determines their paramount, strategic importance in the improvement of
industrial cities due to the ability to neutralize and reduce the adverse impact
of various factors of anthropic and technogenic origin, create comfortable
conditions for recreation, and ensure the constitutional rights of citizens to
live in a favorable environment. Coniferous species play a special role in the
composition of the city’s green spaces. Biological, ecological, sanitary and
hygienic, decorative features and properties of these plants determine their high
economic value, which is a prerequisite for the relevance of detailed research
aimed at a comprehensive study of the taxonomic fund of coniferous greenery
of certain functional areas of Kryvyi Rih to optimize them.
Studies of the taxonomic composition of conifers have been implemented
within green areas of public and limited use. In the course of the work 33
sections of Metallurgical and 25 sections of the description of Dovhyntsivsky
administrative-territorial districts of the city were inspected. The results of the
analysis show a narrow range of species of conifers used in landscaping. Thus,
only 10 species of conifers, which are representatives of 6 genera and 3 families,
were registered within the study areas. The composition of public green areas
is more diverse in terms of assortment. Here are nesting groups of Picea abies
(L.) Karst., Thuja occidentalis L., Pinus sylvestris L., available alleys with
Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Picea pungens Engelm., Pinus sylvestris L. In
the territories of health care institutions there are group plantings with Thuja
occidentalis L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Picea pungens Engelm., Pinus
sylvestris L. It should be noted that in the green areas of limited use, located
in the territories of health care institutions, conifers, even in a small number
of taxa, are always present. The smallest diversity of species is registered in
the green areas of limited use of educational institutions. Representatives of
families Pinaceae and Cupressaceae, recorded in green plantations of different
functional purpose, became the most widespread.
The analysis of the research results testifies to the need to expand the range
of coniferous green plants of general and limited use due to the species
already adapted to the specific conditions of the industrial region using
the capabilities of the Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden of the NAS (National
Academy of Sciences) of Ukraine. Promising for landscaping can be considered
Cryptomeria japonica Thunb. ex L.f., Juniperus squamata Lamb., Juniperus
procumbens, Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana, Pseudotsuga menziessii (Mirb)
Franco., Pinus strobus L., Abies alba Mill., Picea omorica (Panc.) Purkyne,
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Parl.


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How to Cite

Holovchak, A. V., & Malenko, Y. V. (2021). SPECIES COMPOSITION OF CONIFEROUS GREEN PLANTATIONS OF METALLURGICAL AND DOVHYNTSIVSKY DISTRICTS OF KRYVYI RIH. Ecological Bulletin of Kryvorizhzhya, 6, 72–91. https://doi.org/10.31812/eco-bulletin-krd.v6i0.4562



Practical ecology