
  • R. M. Balabay Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
  • Ya. V. Gritsay



research problems, conductor with current, magnetic field, Hall effect, Hall electromotive force sensor


Because physics is an experimental science, it is important in its
teaching to provide an opportunity to experimentally study the patterns of
natural phenomena. Physical task is an effective means of teaching physics.
Solving physical problems contributes to the formation of many personal
qualities and competencies of students: the development of practical skills,
logical thinking, the ability to evaluate phenomena, make hypotheses and the
development of creativity.
The purpose of this work was to develop an author’s research problem for
group work (under favorable conditions — class work) in high school on
“Measuring the magnetic field strength using the Hall effect” from setting
research objectives to analyzing its results, and disclosing the peculiarities
of its use.
During the work, experiments were performed with a digital Hall sensor (SS41F
series): the specification of the digital sensor, its principle of operation and
block diagram, the behavior of the sensor in the absence of a magnetic field,
and in the presence.
The SS41f sensor is bipolar, its output has two states — the output opens
in the presence of a magnetic field of one pole and is closed by a magnetic
field of the second pole. Thus, the digital Hall sensor can show the absence or
presence of a magnetic field. It works as a “key” depending on the direction of
the magnetic field. In one direction, “sensor key lock” was recorded, and in the
case of polarity change, “opening” was recorded.
Thus, relatively simple experiments were proposed and performed, paying
attention to the correct execution of the measurement process.
In the course of the proposed research task, students will learn to use a variety
of devices to measure physical quantities, which will allow them to effectively
master certain sections of physics and acquire skills and abilities to use a variety
of physical devices.


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How to Cite

Balabay, R. M., & Gritsay, Y. V. (2021). FORMATION OF PHYSICAL COMPETENCIES OF STUDENTS IN RESEARCH TASKS. Ecological Bulletin of Kryvorizhzhya, 6, 138–149.

