Categorization of being in Rostislav Dotsenko’s aphorisms


  • Жанна Василівна Колоїз Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



aphorism, artistic and creative expression, design, consideration, semantic interpretation


The article deals with aphoristic expressions of Rostislav Dotsenko – Ukrainian writer, former political prisoner convicted for admiration of Ukrainian identity. Much attention is given to aphorisms that encourage to understanding human values and national priorities, to assessment of the socio-political and state processes. Author’s considerations are focused in artistic and semantic area of conceptual sphere «being» that actualizes appropriate lexemes, primarily life, death, eternity, instant, past, future, and so on. Aphorist appeals to those moral aspects of a human being which discredit him, because they contradict generally accepted standards of behavior distorting his strategy in society.

A number of situational predefined samples are represented. They confirm the original author's individual vision of some of those events, their emotional and critical assessment; serve as a versatile way to create a language picture of the world in general and in particular personally author's


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Author Biography

Жанна Василівна Колоїз, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

доктор філологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри української мови


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Сеник Р. М. Мова як суб’єкт і об’єкт філософії / Р. М. Сеник // Гуманітарний вісник ЗДІА. –2014. –No57. –С. 51–61.

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How to Cite

Колоїз, Ж. В. (2015). Categorization of being in Rostislav Dotsenko’s aphorisms. Philological Studies: The Scientific Publication of Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 13, 294–306.



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