Gender-bias hate speech in Belarus: factors and specifics
hate speech, hostility, gender, online discourse, discursive communityAbstract
The article presents an analysis of gender-bias hate speech in Belarus with the focus on its functioning in online discourse. The study is aimed at determining the most vulnerable social group suffering from gender-bias hate speech in the studied discursive community and finding key factors influencing the object of research in the Belarusian context.
Hate speech is understood as a set of language means expressing negative, based on stereotypes or prejudices, attitude towards the addressee as a carrier of values different from those of the addresser, and, as a result, verbalizing one or another type of discrimination or intolerance.
The article determines a number of interconnected (1) political and legal (lack of legal sanctions for the use of hate speech; loyal attitude of the authorities towards the demonstration of gender discrimination), (2) cultural and ethical (homophobic and sexist moods in the Belarusian society; formation and maintenance of gender stereotypes by the media; lack of awareness of the majority of the academic community in the field of gender issues), and (3) social (change of the historical paradigm; intensive development of Internet communication technologies; increased social mobility; weak civil society) factors that significantly influence the functioning of gender-bias hate speech in the Belarusian discursive community.
The analysis of the readers’ response to news publications in the Belarusian Internet discourse revealed an increased interest of users in the problems of the LGBT community.
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