Linguo-didactic principles of the communicative competence formation in the process of studying the Ukrainian language for professional communication
communicative competence, speech activity, professional communication, communicative activity, culture of speechAbstract
The process of the communicative competence formation during studying the discipline “Ukrainian (for occupational purposes)” is analyzed in the article takinginto account the demands of individually oriented, activity and co mmunicative, and competence approaches to the training of a highly qualified specialist that is able to meet competition on the job market; the factors of successful communication in the professional activity are named; a system of tasks is offered which will facilitate skills of successful speech behaviour. It is defined that effective formation of future teachers’ communicative competence is realized through the following some basic pedagogical conditions of a language person development; through the actualization of the most significant theoretical information via using generalized tables and prompts; through the language situations modelling in the educational process as they demand right communicative behaviour from the applicants of higher education and stimulate their communicative activity. The examples of tasks and exercises are offered which enhance the process of the communicative competence formation of the applicants of higher education and actualize proper literary norms through the culture prism of documenting official texts of proper samples; determine the choice of language means which is appropriate for communicative situation; improve the skills of creating one’s own product of communication activity in oral and written forms. The educational material is introduced in order to enrich students’ active vocabulary with terminological and professional lexis of occupational and pedagogical trends.
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