bioindication, phytoindication, urban ecosystem, technogenic pollution, monitoringAbstract
The issue of optimizing the urban environment is of primary
importance in the modern conditions of the rapid process of urbanization.
Plants that are sensitive to environmental pollution and have a quick reaction
to the presence of even small doses of toxic substances in the air play an
important role in the system of measures to improve the ecological state of
cities; therefore, they are considered the best indicators of the state of the air
Usually, the assessment of the state of ecological systems is carried out
according to various ecological standards and regulations. Among them, the
most important are environmental quality standards, which are expressed
in indicators of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances
in individual environmental objects. Such approaches are based only on
instrumental physico-chemical methods of analysis and are focused on
monitoring compliance with standardized indicators. However, such methods
do not always timely illustrate the full picture of the impact of pollutants
on biota in technogenical-loaded regions, where there is a constant risk of
increasing the genetic stress of the environment, which is caused to entry into
the ecotopes of pollutants with pronounced mutagenic activity.
Therefore, recently a well-founded trend of assessment of the transformed
ecosystems state traced not only by traditional physicochemical methods, but
also by bioindication methods. Bioindicative methods make it possible to
determine the complex effect of all pollutants present in environmental objects;
they are highly sensitive and sufficient for adequate assessments.
Long-term studies on the assessment of the Kryvyi Rih city ecological condition
have reasonable results and its based, as a rule, on the use of standard methods.
Bioindication, as an alternative and promising approach in such studies, is not
widespread enough and using very rarely.
The article summarizes information about the use of plants in bioindicative
studies of the Kryvyi Rih city. The use of woody and herbaceous plants
in ecological stress determining of the city is compared. The significance
of bioindication for monitoring studies of the city territory is considered.
The perspective of using cytogenetic bioindicative studies for the integrated
assessment of the environment of the Kryvyi Rih iron ore region is analyzed.
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