The terminological toolkit of pedagogical comparative research in professional training of Masters of Physics in higher educational institutions of Poland


  • Наталія Василівна Бабченко Pereiaslav–Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University



«professional training», «Master», «Master of Physics, higher education institution


The article is devoted to the analysis of Ukrainian and foreign lexicographical sources for determining essence and content of such concepts as «professional training», «Master», «Master of Physics», «higher education institution». The approaches to the interpretation of these concepts were analyzed by Ukrainian and Polish teachers. We have compared the professional training of Masters of Physics in Ukraine and Poland. We submitted the classification of types of Polish and Ukrainian higher educational institutions that carry out professional training of Masters of Physics. We offered the authorial interpretation of the concept of «professional training of Masters of Physics in higher educational institutions».The professional training of Masters of Physics at universities in Poland is a purposeful process of obtaining a professional Master's degree or Unified Master's levels in «Physics» in one of the types of universities, which are prescribed by Poland’s law «of higher education», that provides higher education in the selected course, which includes mastering of a certain system of professional knowledge and skills in Physics, personality traits, accepted standard of conduct, development of professional and social competencies, formation of desire for self-improvement, professional readiness and independence to carry out further efficient professional activity.The following methods of investigation were used: theoretical (analysis and generalization of pedagogical scientific literature), empirical (observation, document examination, analysis of programs or textbook content).The comparison method is used to compare the system of professional training of Masters of Physics in Poland and Ukraine.We also outlined the prospects for further research to analyze the possibilities and expediency of using the Polish experience in professional training of Masters of Physics in the national education system.


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Author Biography

Наталія Василівна Бабченко, Pereiaslav–Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University



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How to Cite

Бабченко, Н. В. (2017). The terminological toolkit of pedagogical comparative research in professional training of Masters of Physics in higher educational institutions of Poland. Educational Dimension, 49, 201–209.


