
  • 2021

  • Vol. 15 (2021)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • 2020

  • Vol. 14 (2020)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.


  • 2019

  • Vol. 13 (2019)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

    Based on the information submitted in the evaluation and the analysis of the issues of the journal from 2019, Index Copernicus Experts calculated your Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2019.

    ICV 2019 = 55.70

    The ICV for 2019 is visible on the full list of indexed journals at ICI Journals Master List 2019 and in Journal`s Passport

  • 2018

  • Vol. 12 (2018)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • Vol. 11 (2018)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • 2017

  • Vol. 10 (2017)

    Збірник присвячено вирішенню базових проблем літературознавства на матеріалах творів літератур світу – питань практично-еволюційної поетики й теоретичної по етології, осягненню найрізноманітніших проявів індивідуально-особистісної, групової, соціальної, етнічної та національної специфіки художнього мислення (ментальності), а також розвитку наявних і формуванню нових концептуальних бачень однієї з найскладніших проблем – духовності літератур світу.

  • Vol. 9 (2017)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • Vol. 8 (2017)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • 2016

  • Vol. 7 (2016)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • 2015

  • Vol. 6 (2015)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • Vol. 5 (2015)

    Сборник посвящён решению базовых проблем литературоведения на материалах произведений литератур мира: вопросов практично-эволюционной поэтики и теоретической поэтологии, осмыслению разнообразных проявлений индивидуально-личностной, групповой, социальной, этнической и национальной специфики художественного мышления (ментальности), а также развитию имеющихся и формированию новых концептуальных видений одной из сложнейших проблем – духовности литератур мира.

  • 2014

  • Vol. 4 (2014)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • Vol. 3 (2014)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.


  • 2013

  • Vol. 2 (2013)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.

  • Vol. 1 (2013)

    This publication covers the basic problems of literature studies on the materials of the world literatures. The key researching areas of the publication investigate the practical and evolutionary poetics and theoretical poetology, various manifestations of individual, group, social, ethnic and national specifics of artistic thinking (mentality), and the development of existing approaches and the formation of new conceptual spirituality visions of the world literatures, which are considered to be one of the most difficult problems.