Basic theoretical concepts of media education


  • Наталія Олексіївна Приходькіна Університет менеджменту освіти НАПН України



 Technological innovations, expansion of global media empires, an explosion of new media, and the unrestricted commercial targeting of children have all contributed to an environment where today's youth are growing up in a mediated world far different than any previous generation. While technological advancements have created new possibilities for the free flow of information, social networking and global activism, there is also the potential for corporations and governments to increase their control over media, restrict the flow of information, and appropriate these new tools for profit and control at the expense of free expression and democracy. In the second half of the XX century the media educational paradigm was strengthened in scientific discourse. It includes a set of values, methods, technical means, aimed at the formation of personality, able to adapt to the information society and to carry out a number of essential functions. Information and communication space of culture media is differently oriented to the discourses that influence the value system and concept of socio-cultural space. Therefore, in different countries there are different approaches to media culture and media education. This article analyzes the theoretical approaches to media education. The author analyzes the problem of the genesis of the basic theoretical concepts of media education in terms of goals, objectives, content components. Media education is the process through which individuals become media literate – able to critically understand the nature, techniques and impacts of media messages and productions. Media education is actively focused on the instructional methods and pedagogy of media literacy, integrating theoretical and critical frameworks rising from constructivist learning theory, media studies and cultural studies scholarship. The basic theories of media education are analyzed in this article: Semiotic Approach, Ideological Approach, Media as Popular Arts Approach, Practical Approach, Uses and Gratifications Approach, Protectionist Approach, Ethic Approach, Critical Thinking approach, Social and Cultural Approach, Media-didactic Approach. The abundance of theories suggests that almost of all media education concepts have practical approaches which balance media educational process.



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Author Biography

Наталія Олексіївна Приходькіна, Університет менеджменту освіти НАПН України

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintent Professor 


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How to Cite

Приходькіна, Н. О. (2017). Basic theoretical concepts of media education. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 49, 264–277.


