«LIFELONG LEARNING» –lifelong learning - necessity demands


  • Тетяна Бурлаєнко




expert, education, competence development, quality, competencies


Burlayenko T. I. «LIFELONG LEARNING» –lifelong learning - necessity demands.

The article deals with the problem of finding ways of forming competence of future specialists as part of key competencies in the current development of Ukraine. Currently, the education system is designed to give knowledge about the professional scope, its peculiarity, to form a specialist personal traits, determined by the brevity of the world. Modern person must have strong and deep knowledge, professional thinking, have his own professional and personal position, a set of competencies that are the basis of modern vocational education.


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How to Cite

Бурлаєнко, Т. (2015). «LIFELONG LEARNING» –lifelong learning - necessity demands. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 181–186. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v44i0.2675



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