Modern issues of students’ healthy lifestyle modeling
health, healthy lifestyle, students, volunteering, values, psychological, social, biological welfare, gadgets, gadget dependency, healthy lifestyle recreational paradigmAbstract
The article covers current issues of physical development and harmonious personal education. Formation of responsible attitude to one’s own health and the health of the surrounding people as a necessity is determined. The paper states the main factors encouraging students to follow healthy lifestyle ideas as an integrated system of educational values of higher education.The work focuses on basic concepts of healthy lifestyle recreational paradigm in higher school and methods of student teams recreation via complex participation in extracurricular activities (such as volunteering). Conceptual basis for students’ healthy lifestyle cognition is stated. The ways of attracting young people with healthy lifestyle ideas are discovered. The ideas of humanistic relations between students and professors are theoretically proved.The article highlights the current problems of healthy lifestyle values formation among students. The attention is focused on gadget dependency problem and ways of its prevention. The analysis of the university student involvement in participation in the volunteer centre in their free time is carried out. The main activities of volunteer students are pointed out. The article analyzes the program of the course «Basics of students’ health culture in modern conditions», the individual work program on improving health culture in terms of training, guidance for students’ individual work using computers «Health technologies aimed at improvement of gadget-addicted students’ health culture». Results of the study can be used by students and teachers in higher education teaching process, in students’ self-education through gadgets, in postgraduate training and teaching staff retraining, in educational activities at schools.
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