A role of principles of the following and perspective is in organization of lifelong learning





continuity, continuous education, aim of continuous education, feature of continuous education, following, perspective, following as didactics principle, terms of realization of the following in continuous education


 In the article an author examines a concept «continuous education», determines her aim, stages of continuous education, «continuous education», determines the features of continuous education, intercommunication of principles of the following and perspective in the system of continuous education, analyses modern interpretations of principles of the following and perspective in studies, their essence and role determine in organization of educational process, condition of realization of the following principle in educational process; further research of the marked problem will be considered in providing of the following, perspective of pre-school education as a component continuous system of education.


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Author Biography

Олена Вікторівна Ковшар, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

D.Sc.(Educational Sciences), Associate Professor 



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How to Cite

Ковшар, О. В. (2017). A role of principles of the following and perspective is in organization of lifelong learning. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 50, 176–185. https://doi.org/10.31812/pedag.v50i0.1301


