Didactic conditions of the creative personality formation in the context of competent-based education


  • Олена Анатоліївна Павлик Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"




the creative personality, the process of the creative personality formation, competence-based approach in education, didactic conditions


Pavlyk O. A. Didactic conditions of the creative personality formation in the context of competent-based education.

In the article features of process of the creative personality formation are described, pedagogical conditions of efficiency of the studied process are shown. Specifics of the creative personality development taking into account problems of competence-based approach in education are examined.


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Author Biography

Олена Анатоліївна Павлик, Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintаnt Professor


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How to Cite

Павлик, О. А. (2019). Didactic conditions of the creative personality formation in the context of competent-based education. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 47, 179–185. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v47i0.2452



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