Organizational and preparatory direction of instrumental and performance training of students musicians
іnstrumental and performance education, pedagogical experiment, organizational and preparatory phase, the integration of knowledge, future teacher of musicAbstract
Kartashovа Zh. Yu. Organizational and preparatory direction of instrumental and performance training of students musicians.
The article deals with organizational and preparatory direction of instrumental performance training of future teachers of music. The content features of the forming experiment, reflected in the system of targeted pedagogical influences are considered. They acted as a set of measures aimed at integration of the formation process of musical and performance knowledge and skills, achievement of high standard of knowledge and skills among the students. The main tasks of this phase were: formation of students readiness for creative self-realization by a solution of performance tasks in their interrelation; the direction of students’ individual plans in the main musical instrument, accompanyist class, ensemble playing to application of complex interrelations between these disciplines; activation of students’ creative search initiative in the process of studying of special training courses; planning of students’ independent work and monitoring of knowledge and skills of musical and performance activities.
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