The system of professionally oriented skills of students in the process of functional analysis training


  • Ірина Василівна Лов’янова Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"
  • Дмитро Євгенович Бобилєв Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"



professionally oriented training, professionally oriented skills, funcsional analysis, functional analysis, teachers of mathematics


Lovyanova I. V., Bobyliev D. Ye. The system of professionally oriented skills of students in the process of functional analysis training.

On the basis of the comparison, contrast, generalization of scientific information, analysis of structural and logical schemes and content of propaedeutic course of functional analysis
professional oriented skills, which are nessecary to form within this course were selected. The basic requirements to the organization of the functional analysis training of future Mathematics teachers on the basis of introduction of methodical system of professionally oriented training which promotes students’ professionally oriented skills were examined.


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Author Biographies

Ірина Василівна Лов’янова, Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Дмитро Євгенович Бобилєв, Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Лов’янова, І. В., & Бобилєв, Д. Є. (2015). The system of professionally oriented skills of students in the process of functional analysis training. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 46, 45–52.



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