Methodical features of the studying the topic «The Definite Integral» at high school using online services and software


  • Юлія Володимирівна Ботузова Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko



methods of mathematics teaching, online service, mathematical program, definite integral, ICT in teaching mathematics


Botuzova Yu. V. Methodical features of the studying the topic «The Definite Integral» at high school using online services and software

The article deals with the question of material and software choice that enables the efficient use of ICT in the process of mathematics teaching at high school. Also methods of teaching the topic «The Definite Integral» using mathematical computer programs are examined in the paper.


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Author Biography

Юлія Володимирівна Ботузова, Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences)


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How to Cite

Ботузова, Ю. В. (2015). Methodical features of the studying the topic «The Definite Integral» at high school using online services and software. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 46, 100–107.


