Pedagogical excellence of higher school teachers and the ways of its increase


  • Інна Іванівна Харченко Sumy National Agrarian University
  • Сергій Миколайович Харченко Sumy National Agrarian University



pedagogical excellence, professionalism, pedagogical capabilities, instructors, methodological work forms


Kharchenko I. I., Kharchenko S. N. Pedagogical excellence of higher school teachers and the ways of its increase.

The article analyzes the phenomenon of pedagogical excellence of higher school teachers as well as its features and structure. The influence of pedagogical excellence on the quality of studies at high school is analyzed. The experience of methodological work forms implementation among the higher educational establishments is generalized.


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Author Biographies

Інна Іванівна Харченко, Sumy National Agrarian University

Ph.D. ( Philological Sciences), Assintаnt Professor

Сергій Миколайович Харченко, Sumy National Agrarian University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Харченко, І. І., & Харченко, С. М. (2015). Pedagogical excellence of higher school teachers and the ways of its increase. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 45, 114–119.



Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy