The standardization of foreign languages training of students majoring in economics at institutions of higher education in Ukraine


  • Наталія Сергіївна Жданова Kyiv National Linguistic University



economist’s education, curriculum, interdisciplinary links


Zhdanova N. S. The standardization of foreign languages training of students majoring in economics at institutions of higher education in Ukraine.

The article deals with the question of solving the problem of the content in foreign languages training in response to mobility, the necessity of standartization of the requirements, the
relation of foreign languages training levels as well as the consideration of students’ personality (entrance level of students, number of lessons, evaluation and examination criteria). The standardization of foreign languages training of students majoring in economics will be achieved through the content integration of professional and foreign language education as well as interdisciplinary integration.


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Author Biography

Наталія Сергіївна Жданова, Kyiv National Linguistic University

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences)


1. Амеліна С. М. Рамкова програма з німецької мови для професійного спілкування для вищих навчальних закладів України / С. М. Амеліна, В. А. Гаманюк та ін. – Київ : Ленвіт, 2014. – 136 с.
2. Жданова Н. С. Зміст і структура навчально-методичного комплексу з німецької мови для майбутніх менеджерів : дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.02 / Наталія Сергіївна Жданова. – Київ, 2008. – 344 с.



How to Cite

Жданова, Н. С. (2015). The standardization of foreign languages training of students majoring in economics at institutions of higher education in Ukraine. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 45, 140–144.



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