The main stages of technologies of social competence of students and cadets of higher educational establishments of MIA of Ukraine formation


  • Олексій Тогочинський



social competence, technology, pedagogical conditions, cadets, trainees, professional activity


Tohochynskyy О. M. The main stages of technologies of social competence of students and cadets of higher educational establishments of MIA of Ukraine formation.

The paper deals with the technology components of social competence formation as an arranged set of psychological and pedagogical methods, tools, technique, common activity of participants of communication, describes its main stages connected with the cycles of humanitarian, socio-economic, fundamental and practical training students and cadets of higher educational establishments of MIA of Ukraine formation.


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How to Cite

Тогочинський, О. (2015). The main stages of technologies of social competence of students and cadets of higher educational establishments of MIA of Ukraine formation. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 117–122.



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