Creating a European dimension French university environmental education


  • Вікторія Власова



European system of higher education internationalization stage, the European dimension of higher environmental education France, internationalization of higher environmental education


Vlasova V. P. Creating a European dimension French university environmental education.

The article investigates the issue of forming a European dimension in higher environmental education in France. The issue of internationalization of higher environmental education. The analysis of regulations and determined that the current higher environmental education France determined by the principles of many of them. Outlines the environmental trends of university education in France. It was established that the French higher education system today has a maximum integration of the educational process, the professionalization of the university sector and professionally-oriented areas of training environmental experts. Analyzed new perspectives for the European dimension of higher environmental education by 2020.


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How to Cite

Власова, В. (2014). Creating a European dimension French university environmental education. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 42, 223–230.


