The role of a university teacher in providing for the needs of students in a healthy lifestyle


  • Наталія Швець



formation of a healthy way of life, students, society, pedagogical conditions, the younger generation, lifestyle, motivation of the students


Shvets N. А. The role of a university teacher in providing for the needs of students in a healthy lifestyle.

The work highlights the pedagogical conditions, to ensure effective formation of a healthy way of life among students in the educational process of the university. Disclosed internal and external factors responsible for the motivation of students to a healthy lifestyle. Considered are the main targets of methodical software for formation of healthy lifestyle of the student youth, and principles of the educational process.


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How to Cite

Швець, Н. (2014). The role of a university teacher in providing for the needs of students in a healthy lifestyle. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 40, 250–255.



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