Maintenance and structure of research work of students


  • Ірина Олексіївна Доценко State Higher Educational Institution "Kryvy Rih National University"



research work, structure of research work, types of research work, student-researcher


Docenko I. O. Maintenance and structure of research work of students.

In the article on the basis of study of the archived materials and other sources maintenance and types of research work of students of higher educational establishments of Ukraine is analysed in the second half of ХХ centuries and in modern terms; the structure of research activity of students, which provides the effective type of educational process and instrumental in the exposure of capable students, is analysed.


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Author Biography

Ірина Олексіївна Доценко, State Higher Educational Institution "Kryvy Rih National University"

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Доценко, І. О. (2013). Maintenance and structure of research work of students. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 38, 15–19.



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