Aspect of the activity of the pedagogue in the system of projecting principles of management of independent work of future lawyers


  • Андрій Олександрович Кучерявий Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine



activity of the pedagogue, pedagogical management, independent work, projecting principles, students


Kucheryaviy A. O. Aspect of the activity of the pedagogue in the system of projecting principles of management of independent work of future lawyers.

The problem of insufficient research of activity of the pedagogue in the projecting principles of management of independent educational activity of future lawyers is considered. The group of the projecting principles that determine the row of constituents of activity of professor is investigational.


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Author Biography

Андрій Олександрович Кучерявий, Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Assintаnt Professor


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How to Cite

Кучерявий, А. О. (2013). Aspect of the activity of the pedagogue in the system of projecting principles of management of independent work of future lawyers. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 38, 51–55.



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