Implementation of the training of future teachers in the process of physical education and development of children in preschool


  • Вікторія Володимирівна Любашина Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences of the RVUZ "Crimean Humanitarian University" (Yalta)



physical education, physical development, valeological education


Lyubashinа V. V. Implementation of the training of future teachers in the process of physical education and development of children in preschool.

Creative teacher does not present material to children which is not interested to herself / himself, trying to find all the surprising, unusual and fascinating. The use of non-traditional teachers methods of physical education and development of children in preschool will help diversify and optimize the process of physical education and valeological education, as well as to improve their teaching skills.


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Author Biography

Вікторія Володимирівна Любашина, Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences of the RVUZ "Crimean Humanitarian University" (Yalta)

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences). Assintаnt Professor


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How to Cite

Любашина, В. В. (2013). Implementation of the training of future teachers in the process of physical education and development of children in preschool. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 38, 226–230.



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