Features of educational mainstreaming in the Republic of Malta (1990-2000)


  • Анна Андріївна Вербенець Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University




integration, educational mainstreaming, inclusive education, special education, individuals with disabilities, disabled people, social model, principles


The research paper deals with the features of the educational mainstreaming in the Republic of Malta (1990-2000). The analysis of the Maltese experience in
the activity of the government, educational institutions, non-government organizations and parents’ ability to create optimal conditions for the
development of the potential of persons with various forms of violations was carried out. The discrepancies between the need for mainstreaming development and the existing regulatory dogmas of the educational sector were found out; the semantic aspects of legal documents, updated according to the needs of the national policy in the field of special education of the Republic of Malta were covered. Activities of non-government organizations in addressing the key objectives of mainstreaming concerning integration of children with special needs into the general educational space are described; the improvement of process of their educational training is covered; expanding of the opportunities of social contacts through their participation in public programs, etc. is mentioned. The importance of social model of disability, the principles of differentiation, individualization, inclusion and respect for diversity in the realization of the concept of complete integration of citizens with disabilities into social life is described. The article focuses on the role of the educational community in the introduction of inclusive education in the Republic of Malta; on ensuring «quality education for everybody»; on creating a new National Minimum Curriculum; on developing specialized programs adapted to the needs of children with various disabilities. There are covered the basic achievements of the educational mainstreaming, which became the basis for further scientific studies to examine methods of updating curricula and programs; experience in restructuring of educational institutions and the development of special educational institutions; the specifics of personnel training for inclusive education; participation of parents in decisionmaking in the field of inclusive education, etc field of inclusive education, etc.


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Author Biography

Анна Андріївна Вербенець, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



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How to Cite

Вербенець, А. А. (2017). Features of educational mainstreaming in the Republic of Malta (1990-2000). Educational Dimension, 49, 312–324. https://doi.org/10.31812/pedag.v49i0.1205


