School legal education syllabus in the second half of the ХХ century


  • Любов Віталіївна Висоцька Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



conten, education syllabus, curriculum, school legal education


The article analyzes educational legal framework, Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian SSR for determining school legal education syllabus. It is established that legal education in secondary schools in the second half of the twentieth century was through mastery of these school courses: «The Constitution of the USSR», «Social Science», «Fundamentals of Soviet State and Law». Social Science is an effective means of forming the communist ideology of the Soviet population. In the capacity of the course, it helped to systematize and generalize the knowledge of a secondary school. The content of the course «Fundamentals of Soviet State and Law» was aimed at better students’ preparing for future participation in the development of the state and was completely subordinated to its interests, ignoring the students’ interests. A detailed study of these school courses allowed to find out that the content of education component in legal school education policy was subordinated to the state and the needs determined its political and historical, social and economic development. There occurred the collapse of the Soviet Union and the courses proposed, but remained a strong regulatory, documentary, scientific and methodological base, which has positive and negative educational influence on personality. The newly independent states have a new task – to build their own legal systems based on the principles of justice, democracy, rule of law, respect for the rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen. Thus began the development of new teaching frame work of legal education that continues till the present day.In the 90's there was build a legal state and civil society, and educational policy was reoriented to student’s interests, to prepare a decent citizen, an active participant in the political and legal life. In this regard, a school system of legal education includes the following subjects: «Law (Law Basics)», «Human Rights», «Practical Law». The study of semantic components forming the essence of the school of legal education in the period of independence will be the prospect to continue the researches.


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Author Biography

Любов Віталіївна Висоцька, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



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How to Cite

Висоцька, Л. В. (2017). School legal education syllabus in the second half of the ХХ century. Educational Dimension, 49, 324–333.




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