Professional abilities in the structure of preparation of teachers of fine art


  • Ірина Григорівна Брижата Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



ability, professional abilities, teacher of fine art, pedagogical abilities, work, artistical and graphic abilities, personal qualities of a specialist


In the article the author has tried to investigate notions of the words «ability», «professional abilities», the structure of the professional abilities of
teachers of fine art, taking into a ccounton abilities of the following groups: pedagogical and special (professional). In the research it has been stated that the
efficiency of the development of professional abilities of teachers of fine arts are necessary both in creative, and in pedagogical activities. Within the limits of the
special abilities the artistic and graphic abilities have been defined. The complex of artistic abilities has been deided into the following parts by the author: mind
(productive and reproductive), practical, and qualities of specialists of fine art. The components of artistic abilities have been distinguished in the article, such
as: creative thinking; creative imagination; lightness of formation of associations; lightness of difference of tints etc. The author of the article has explained that the
development of professional skills of future specialists of fine arts represents itself as the unity of artistic and pedagogical abilities and is the one of the basic
tasks of educational process in higher educational establishments. It has been stated in the article that in the modern artistically-pedagogical education the
educational process can be divided in to two parts: «advanced» – the development of fine art mastery and «second rate» – the development of pedagogical skills.
But the author has come to the conclusion that professional abilities can make a difference only on condition of their transmission, pedagogical skills can help
teachers of fine art to demonstrate a higher level. Perspective questions are the ones of defining professional skills of teachers of fine arts in the performance of
various types of art and creative activities while working with children of different ages.


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Author Biography

Ірина Григорівна Брижата, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Senior Lecturer 


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How to Cite

Брижата, І. Г. (2018). Professional abilities in the structure of preparation of teachers of fine art. Educational Dimension, 50, 22–30.


