Methodological foundations of educational research activities of Orthodox Brotherhoods in Western Ukraine in the interwar period of 1921-1939 years.


  • С. В. Мишкарьова Rivne State Humanities University



orthodox brotherhoods, methodology of research, educative activity, theoretical analysis


Mishkareva S. Methodological foundations of educational research activities of Orthodox Brotherhoods in Western Ukraine in the interwar period of 1921-1939 years.

The analysis of methodological basis and main theoretical approaches to the issue of educational activity researching of orthodox brotherhoods in Western Ukraine during the interwar period of 1921-1939 which are used in history of education as necessary ores for holistic and systemic analysis of historical and pedagogical phenomena and processes is done in the article.


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Author Biography

С. В. Мишкарьова, Rivne State Humanities University



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How to Cite

Мишкарьова, С. В. (2012). Methodological foundations of educational research activities of Orthodox Brotherhoods in Western Ukraine in the interwar period of 1921-1939 years. Educational Dimension, 36, 331–338.


