Formation of professionally important qualities of the future teachers of labor training


  • Андрій Андрійович Дорогань Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



personal qualities of a teacher, social needs and moral values, a sense of civic duty, civic responsibility, teaching vocation, teaching ability, pedagogical duty and responsibility


A brief overview of works of scientists which are related to the formation of professional qualities of teachers and namely teachers of vocational training has been given in the article; the essence of the formation of personal qualities and characteristics of each of them have been given as well. The qualities of a personality which are important for modern teachers have been defined. Professionally important personal qualities of future teachers of vocational training haven been characterized and classified. The importance of the acquisition of personal qualities in the process of training future teachers has been justified. The importance of mastering personal qualities in the process of preparationof future teachers has been explained. Based on the analysis of some works of scientists the concept of «personal qualities of the teacher», different classifications of qualities that reflect the need of modern society for training, education and development of well-rounded individuals via the competence approach have been represented in the article. The articled defines a leading role of individual qualities of teachers in their professional activities, which are characterized through outlook, orientation and motives determining the behaviour and activities of a teacher. Taking into consideration analyzed works, publications of scientists working in this field, we have classified personal qualities of teachers as: socio-moral,professional-pedagogical and informative. Three blocks of personal qualities have been defined in the article. Each of which covers a number of qualities defining and characterizing a modern teacher of vocational training. Full characterization of each individual quality has been provided. The importance of professional development of teachers through the formation of professional skills in a specific delineated area of activity has been justified.


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Author Biography

Андрій Андрійович Дорогань, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Training master


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How to Cite

Дорогань, А. А. (2017). Formation of professionally important qualities of the future teachers of labor training. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 49, 36–42.


