Some aspects of the formation of aesthetic culture of the future designers in higher educational institutions




formation of aesthetic culture of the future designers, theoretical, activity and personal approach, criteria and indicators for the formation of aesthetic culture of the individual


This article analyzes the existing research and teaching in the literature with respect to the material condition of the formation of aesthetic culture of the future designers in higher education, systematization and generalization of scientific approaches to the definition of criteria and indicators for the formation of
aesthetic culture of the individual. The author analyzes various scientific approaches for the identification of criteria and indicators of formation of
aesthetic culture of personality, described the feasibility and effectiveness of their use in the diagnosis of formation of aesthetic culture of the future designers. These include both theoretical, activity and personal approaches that have their own specific criteria and indicators. According to the theoretical approach a decisive role in determining the criteria and indicators of formation of aesthetic culture of personality will play such science as philosophy, aesthetics, history, cultural studies, psychology, art history and other, defining goals, objectives, content of aesthetic culture of personality, stages of its development, value orientation, due to the social practice, artistic culture and so on. The activity approach is associated mainly with the use of aesthetic culture in practice. These are activities such as an art, aesthetic, intellectual, design, designer, kulturotvorcheskoj and others in which is reflected the aesthetic culture of the individual personal approach, as opposed to theoretical and activity approaches that accumulates on internal processes associated with the development of the personality such as the aesthetic attitude to art, the ability of the individual to the aesthetic appreciation of works of art, taste preferences of the individual and others. Filed author of the material is the theoretical basis for the creation of objective conditions specifying the criteria and indicators of formation of aesthetic culture of the future designers in higher educational institutions.


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Author Biography

Володимир Володимирович Томашевський, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintent Professor 


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How to Cite

Томашевський, В. В. (2017). Some aspects of the formation of aesthetic culture of the future designers in higher educational institutions. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 49, 99–109.




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