Methodological culture of a teacher: problems of forming and development


  • Лідія Володимирівна Вознюк Communal Higher Educational Institution "Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education ".



system of postgraduate pedagogical education, continuous pedagogical education, development of postgraduate pedagogical education, continuing education, methodological culture of a teacher, professional competence of a teacher


The article exposes the problems of forming and development of methodological culture of a teacher. The problem of ensuring the continuity of postgraduate education is examined. Research methodology presented characteristics of the main approaches to the development of methodological culture of teachers. The paper considers basic approaches to the development of a teacher’s methodological culture. There are presented scientific researchers on questions of development of a teacher’s professional competence in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. In the time of educational system modernization the problem of formation of methodological culture of a teacher, who is independently capable to design the space of pedagogical activity, takes the first place. In pedagogy methodological culture of a teacher is considered as the premise of formation of his/her professionalism that is the highest indicator of professional readiness, as a component of pedagogical culture and teacher’s professional skill; a complete multi-level education including pedagogical philosophy, a methodological reflection, teacher’s consciousness, as a compulsory component of a teacher’s professional skill. The research provides insight into the essence and the maintenance of methodological culture, its role in the development of teacher’s professionalism. It was intercommunicated between the postgraduate education and a level of a teacher’s methodological culture. Modern researchers consider methodological culture to be a philosophical cultureof thinking; its significance consists in maintenance of a person’s world outlook foundation and personal philosophical self-knowledge.Education covers all parts of a human life with the purpose of providing its competitiveness at the labour-market and its intellectual wealth. Position on the necessity of a teacher’s methodological culture formation is based on the requirements of an innovative vector of the development of Ukrainian education. Certainly, that continuity of pedagogical education in our country is provided by the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, which substantially influences the development and establishment of teacher’s methodological culture.


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Author Biography

Лідія Володимирівна Вознюк, Communal Higher Educational Institution "Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education ".

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintent Professor 


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How to Cite

Вознюк, Л. В. (2017). Methodological culture of a teacher: problems of forming and development. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 49, 131–143.


