Artistic education of grown-ups and elderly people: experience, problems and prospects
education, art, grown-ups, elderly people, experience, prospects of artistic educationAbstract
The current Ukrainian government policies are aimed at creating opportunities for obtaining education by people of all ages. However, the insufficiently developed regulatory framework throws back the obtaining of such an opportunity by elderly people. Art, as an effective means of socialization, selfexpression, and self-identity is a strong potential that can be used in education and has a prior role. The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize the experience of foreign scientists concerning educational opportunities for both adults and elderly people, prove the need for introducing art education for elderly people in Ukraine. The need of adult education in Ukraine is prime due to the discrepancy between the labor market and education, a significant increase in the number of senior/retired citizens and the subsequent growth of these trends. Currently, there is observed alienation between generations. This is due to the intensity of reforms being implemented and transformation, the lack of conditions for developing the adaptive capacity, mobility and flexibility of the old generation. Hence, the education lifelong contributes to social development of the population and minimizes the alienation, which enhances such negative phenomena inherent in the modern society as ageism, violence, marginalization, etc. The historical experience of foreign countries, including the Scandinavian ones and Germany, gives reason to confirm the effectiveness of implementing the education of both adult and elderly people. Inasmuch as the use of art in education only positively affects the development of the society, the elderly are in need of self-expression and self-actualization through art. It mobilizes the resources of this age group, which has a positive trend both for the individual and for his/her environment. The scientists have proved that the level of adult education development on the social and economic, social and cultural progress of the society and the state is natural. Creating the necessary conditions for implementing artistic education of adults and seniors gives the opportunity for social flourishing of the civil society with relevant principles of interaction, since the presence of intellectual and social potential of the elderly generation should contribute to the wellbeing of the Ukrainian society. So, the prospect of further scientific studies is aimed at studying the impact of individual types of art on the social development of elderly people.
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