The componen ts of terminological competence оf students of forestry specialties


  • Оксана Євгенівна Гриджук Національний лісотехнічний університет України



terminolo gical culture, terminological potential of personality, terminological awareness, terminological literacy, terminological competence


Hrydzhuk O. Ye. The components of terminological competence оf students of forestry
The problem of creating an integrated system of formation of terminological competence of students of Forestry field at the present stage acquires the special actuality.
Mastering special terminology is the basis for the formation of professional speech of specialist of any profile.

The essence of the concepts of terminological culture, terminological potential of personality, terminological competence is revealed, their components needed for training of future professionals of the forestry industry are outlined.
The features of formed terminological culture of specialist are named, including the following:

1) studying the vocabulary of professional terminology; 2) possession of skills to work
effectively with scientific sources; 3) the ability to analyze the terms concerning their origin,
structure, method of creation, normativity, the degree of mastering the language, etc.; 4) the ability
to detect errors and flaws in the use of terms and remove them; 5) the ability to distinguish between
productive and unproductive patterns of creating terms, use them for the creation or improvement of
terminological material.
We can onsider the appropriate level of specialist terminological culture only with the full
use of terminological potential of personality.
There are three levels in terminological potential of future specialist such as: terminological awareness level, terminological literacy level and terminological competence level.

We understand the concept of terminological competence as the capability of specialist to use professional terms in the scientific and professional activities that may be achieved through the acquisition of the system of the special knowledge, cognitive abilities and practical skills.

The close cooperation of experts and linguists is the condition for the effective formation of terminological competence.

Terminological competence is seen as a part of language and communicative competence of students.


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Author Biography

Оксана Євгенівна Гриджук, Національний лісотехнічний університет України

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент


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How to Cite

Гриджук, О. Є. (2016). The componen ts of terminological competence оf students of forestry specialties. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 48, 12–17.



Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy