The formation of a creative imagination of junior pupils at the lessons of literary reading by means of innovation technologies


  • Ніна Іванівна Білоконна Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"



methods, literary reading, primary school, methodical techniques, team-work, modern educational technologies, creative imagination, junior pupil, literary works, the process of formation


Belokonnaia N. I. The formation of a creative imagination of junior pupils at the lessons of literary reading by means of innovation technologies.

The article dealth with the methods of organization and carrying out the lessons of literary reading at a primary school. The author analyzes traditional and other methodical techniques promoting the organization of pupils’ team-work at the reading lesson; considers modern educational technologies as the most effective for formation of a creative imagination of junior pupils in the process of studying literary works.


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Author Biography

Ніна Іванівна Білоконна, Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institute of the State Higher Educational Institution"Kryvyi Rih National University"

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintаnt Professor


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4. Кравцова І. А. Формування творчих здібностей в учнів 3 класу на уроках читання: [методич. посіб.] / І. А. Кравцова, К. О. Кузьменко. – Кривий Ріг : КПІ, 2011. – 60 с.
5. Савченко О. Я. Методика читання в початкових класах / О. Я. Савченко. – Київ : Освіта, 2006. – 297 с.



How to Cite

Білоконна, Н. І. (2019). The formation of a creative imagination of junior pupils at the lessons of literary reading by means of innovation technologies. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 47, 70–75.




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