The role of social competence in the development of students’ social responsibility in the microenvironment
social, competence, cooperation, responsibility, duty, subsidiarity principle, microenvironmentAbstract
Vasylenko O. М. The role of social competence in the development of students’ social responsibility in the microenvironment.
The article based on the analysis of current research deals with the social responsibility as a mechanism of social competence, which promotes cooperation in groups on the basis of knowledge about social and legal norms of cooperation, willingness to have a duty and be responsible for one’s actions. The author defines the skills that allow the formation of students’ social competence, reveals the meaning of the subsidiarity principle in the development of student social responsibility on the basis of the formation of a specific reflective position of students using techniques of formation of responsibility for their actions. It is proved that the quality of mastering the social competence by students promotes easier development and implementation of social responsibility at an individual level and microenvironmental one.
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