Substantiation of levels of future borderguard officers’ professional competence during special training with the usage of distance learning technologies


  • Ігор Григорович Блощинський National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytsky



будущий офицер-пограничник, уровни сформированности, профессиональная компетентность, технологии дистанционного обучения


Bloshchynskyi I. H. Substantiation of levels of future borderguard officers’ professional competence during special training with the usage of distance learning technologies.

In the article three levels of future borderguard officers’ professional competence formation during their training with the usage of distance learning technologies: high, medium and low are substantiated. The author characterizes these levels according to components, criteria and indicators of future borderguard officers’ professional competence development at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. Future borderguard officers with a low level of professional competence formation are characterized by the fact that they almost do not express a desire to succeed in the professional activity; they have a little aspiration for professional self-improvement and successful use of information and distance learning technologies to perform the tasks of border protection. These servicemen have insufficient cognitive activity and not always realize the need for continuous professional development. These ccadets can not predict and have low responsibility in decision-making; they are not always confident in their actions.

Future borderguard officers with an average level of professional competence formation are characterized by the fact that they usually have a desire to succeed in the profession for solving operational and service tasks; in most cases, they seek professional self-improvement and their internal motivation to improve the professional competence is rather pronounced; they can apply their knowledge in daily activities and in interpersonal and professional communication. Cadets’ cognitive activity grows during the use of information and distance learning technologies. In most cases they are able to predict and to make unconventional decisions; they recognize the need for continuous development.

Future borderguard officers with a high level of development of professional competence realize the need and importance of raising its level. These cadets always exhibit cognitive activity and can predict. They know how to work with the technical means of border protection and perform systematic comparisons, systematization of information. In difficult situations they may find emotional stability; they have understanding and awareness of the importance of self-education, ability to apply theoretical knowledge to solve complex professional tasks that do not have a standard method of solving, or tasks that require creativity; they are confident in their actions.


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Author Biography

Ігор Григорович Блощинський, National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine Bohdan Khmelnytsky

Ph.D. (Educational Sciences), Assintаnt Professor


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How to Cite

Блощинський, І. Г. (2016). Substantiation of levels of future borderguard officers’ professional competence during special training with the usage of distance learning technologies. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 47, 144–151.



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