Sociocultural component of professional speech competence of future professionals of tourist profile


  • Наталія Дмитрівна Скибун



sociocultural component, the professional speech competence of the future professionals in the field of tourism, sociocultural competence, cross-cultural competence, cross-cultural communication


Skibun N. D. Sociocultural component of professional speech competence of future professionals of tourist profile.

In the article the content of the component of professional speech competence of future professionals of tourist profile has been defined and grounded. The term sociocultural competence of future professionals of tourist profile has been elaborated. It contains students’ knowledge about the theory of linguistic units, as well as the national and cultural component, the semantics of language units and the ability to use them according to social and speech situation.

Means of sociocultural competence development of future professionals of tourist profile are identified. They are as follows active use of technical means of training, presentation, texts in the educational process. Selection criteria of the text didactic material in the language training of the future professionals of tourist profile have been added.

The necessity of ensuring interdisciplinary relation between Ukrainian and foreign language, which is updated the concept of «cross-cultural competence of future professionals of tourist profile» has been proved.


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Author Biography

Наталія Дмитрівна Скибун

Economics and Law School of Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law


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How to Cite

Скибун, Н. Д. (2019). Sociocultural component of professional speech competence of future professionals of tourist profile. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 47, 197–203.



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