Hedonistic-axiological component of vocal education for adolescents


  • Лін Сяо National Pedagogical Dragomanov University




vocal training, hedonistic experiences, satisfaction, artistic ideal, pleasure, teenagers


Lin Xiao. Hedonistic-axiological component of vocal education for adolescents.

The purpose of the article is to determine hedonistic-axiological reference points of vocal training for adolescents. Appeal to this problem is motivated by the strengthening of the role and functions of the axiological component of the pedagogy of art, the overcoming of reproductive teaching styles vocal. It is noted that developing the possibilities of artistic activity can be implemented only under the condition of stimulating pupils‘ hedonistic attitude to art. Considers the theoretical foundations of the hedonic imperative of identity from a philosophical, social and psychological point of view. It was found that the essence of the person who strives for hedonic experiences has transformed during the entire time of its existence. Changing the hedonic value of emotions, their place in the system of values and society, practice meet. Define the concept of «ideal art», which includes the unity of the emotional – feeling desirable and undesirable, intellectual – the concept of perfect and imperfect, strong-willed – an alternative to the present and mainstream in society. It is noted melodiousness of the Chinese and Ukrainian peoples, their ability to deeply feel the music, especially vocal. Identified the need to identify ideals in music.


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Author Biography

Лін Сяо, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



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How to Cite

Сяо, Л. (2016). Hedonistic-axiological component of vocal education for adolescents. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 47, 203–209. https://doi.org/10.31812/educdim.v47i0.2456



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