Some aspects of the problem of creative personality formation of a future primary school teacher in the context of competence-based approach


  • Ольга Михайлівна Ткаченко Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko



professional competence of the teacher, pedagogical creativity, pedagogical skills, ethnopedagogiсal competence, ethnopedagogical creativity of primary school teachers


Tkachenko O. M. Some aspects of the problem of creative personality formation of a future primary school teacher in the context of competence-based approach.

The article is focused on the importance of pedagogical creativity for a modern specialist in the field of primary education. Based on the analysis of the pedagogical creativity content the author has proved the necessity of ethnopedagogical creativity formation of modern teacher as a part of ethnopedagogical competence that will promote the professional self-fulfillment of primary school teacher in multicultural modern society.


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Author Biography

Ольга Михайлівна Ткаченко, Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Ткаченко, О. М. (2016). Some aspects of the problem of creative personality formation of a future primary school teacher in the context of competence-based approach. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 47, 215–220.



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