Formation of the educational system in Sloboda Ukraine in ХVІІ - ХVІІІ century


  • Володимир Станіславович Бугрій Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko



Sloboda Ukraine, primary school, vocational education, private education, cultural and educational club


Bugrii V. S. Formation of the educational system in Sloboda Ukraine in ХVІІ - ХVІІІ century.

In the article the process of educational system formation in Sloboda Ukraine in ХVІІ–ХVІІІ century is analyzed. The terms of this process have been determined, types of educational institutions which were in Sloboda Ukraine in the analyzed period have been characterized, the aim, content and structure of their operation have been shown. It was found out that the features of educational system in Sloboda Ukraine were as follows: the social character of educational institutions management, dominance of educational and developmental aspect, wide network of schools that provided the high literacy level of population.


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Author Biography

Володимир Станіславович Бугрій, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professo


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How to Cite

Бугрій, В. С. (2019). Formation of the educational system in Sloboda Ukraine in ХVІІ - ХVІІІ century. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 47, 225–230.


