Trends in mobility of students and young scientists in the European educational and scientific area


  • Микола Іванович Стрюк Krivoy Rog National University



academic mobility, mobility of students and postgraduates, mobility programs, suppliers of mobility, virtual mobility, brain drain


Stryuk M. I. Trends in mobility of students and young scientists in the European educational and scientific area.

The article highlights the new directions of the mobility of students, postgraduates and professors in the European educational and scientific are, the use of which in Ukraine will increase the competitiveness of the national education system. Particular attention is devoted to ways of solving the problem of brain drain.


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Author Biography

Микола Іванович Стрюк, Krivoy Rog National University

Ph.D. (Historical Sciences), Assintаnt Professor


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How to Cite

Стрюк, М. І. (2015). Trends in mobility of students and young scientists in the European educational and scientific area. Educational Dimension, 46, 218–225.



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